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Page 16

  I thought it over. Although that was a big one with the potential to make a lot of money, most authors weren’t interested in giving up those particular rights. It was where they stood to make the most money. Although S&W would love to get their hands on the movie rights for one of Parker’s books—the money to be made on that was a guaranteed gold mine—I hadn’t expected to even have them on the table. The e-book rights were the biggest thing. The market was shifting more toward the digital medium than the paperback, and it was cheaper to produce for us as well.

  But I wasn’t going to just give Parker anything. I wanted him to work for it so he appreciated it more—and so he’d be more pliable when I threw another option at him.

  “How about we retain the rights for making a movie for the first two years and—”

  “No deal,” he said instantly, shaking his head. “I keep the movie rights or I walk right now.”

  I sighed internally but didn’t show my annoyance at being cut off. “All right. But only if you agree to not sell the rights to a producer for the first two years. After that, we’ll look at sales again and work with you to determine the best time for a movie production.”

  He considered that. “One year.”

  I shrugged. “I’ll see what I can do; talk it over with my boss.”

  He nodded, agreeing to the discussion and nothing more. I was about to bring the discussion back around to the e-book rights, but before I got the chance, his phone went off. He held up a single finger at me, indicating for me to wait, and then pulled out his phone. He checked the screen, then sighed.

  “Sorry, I’m going to have to cut our meeting short,” he apologized. “This is important.”

  I frowned just a little, the only indication that I wasn’t entirely happy with how things were going, but I recovered quickly. Standing, I reached across the table to shake his hand again. He grasped my hand firmly.

  “Thank you for meeting with me, Mr. Parker. Please, stop by my secretary’s desk so that you can schedule another meeting at your convenience.”

  He smiled at me and nodded. “Will do. Thank you for your time, Ms. McKenna.”

  As he turned and left, I stood there thinking, I really fucked this up, didn’t I?


  I knew before I got the call from Callum that I wasn’t going to sign with S&W Publishing. Although the Marnie woman seemed like she had her shit together, I understood that S&W was the last place I wanted to be. Even if they met my every demand and paid me one hell of an advance, I wasn’t going to give in. It was a principle thing more than anything else.

  So when Marnie told me to stop by her secretary’s desk and make an appointment for later, I was thinking about how I was absolutely not going to do that.

  Then I walked past her desk and saw her sitting there.

  Courtney Hughes.

  I’d pictured a modelesque woman with fake tits and perfectly done makeup. What I got was a classy woman who probably didn’t come up to my damn elbows with deliberately 1940s curled hair and bright red, matte lipstick.

  She wasn’t what I’d imagined, but she was twice as fucking sexy.

  Beneath that pretty, perfectly modest dress she wore, I could see she had the curves of a goddess, and she had that soft tan that suggested she spent just a few minutes every day getting some sun.

  Fucking sexy.

  I smiled broadly as I approached her, propping my hip up on the edge of her desk. “Hey, there.”

  She didn’t look up from her computer. “Can I help you, sir?”

  “Please, call me Trent.” Or Malcom, I thought but definitely did not say.

  That got her attention. She raised an eyebrow at me, slowly turning so that she was facing me with a blank, unimpressed expression. “Can I help you, sir?” she repeated deliberately.

  I swallowed. Ooh, feisty. I like it. “I’m Trent Parker.”

  “I know who you are, sir. I directed you to Ms. McKenna’s office, remember?”

  I laughed lightly. “Yeah, good point. I just thought I could introduce myself officially.”

  “Of course, sir. Good to meet you.”

  She went back to typing on her computer.

  I hadn’t been intending to set up another meeting. Seriously. I was just going to flirt a little bit, get her number, then pop out the door without another fucking to-do with the damn publisher. But now she wasn’t flirting back, like she was fucking immune to my charms, and I was wondering what the hell I’d done to offend her so.

  “I…” I trailed off, no idea what to say to get this woman to open up to me. Damn, usually they just fall open—usually at the legs. “I was told to stop by and make a second appointment with you. Can you do that for me?”

  She pursed those ruby-red lips together but sighed after a moment. “Of course, sir. What’s a good time for you?”

  I smiled. “For you? Anytime is a good time.”

  She raised an eyebrow at me, unimpressed. “I have a slot available next week in the morning. Ten o’clock.”

  “Does that include coffee with you?”

  “No,” she said flatly.

  I almost laughed at how completely uninterested she was in me. I briefly considered telling her that I was the Malcom she spoke with over the phone and that she owed me a damn favor, but I quickly dismissed it. I wanted to save that little favor for later when it might do me more good.

  I just need a little more time with her, get her to warm up to me, I thought.

  “All right. Next week. Ten o’clock.”

  “That’s Thursday. Don’t be late,” she told me, then typed something into her computer. Next she grabbed a card from the drawer in her desk—I saw pink sticky notes, gel pens, and something that looked like a pineapple bobblehead.

  She quickly used one of her gel pens to scribble a quick note on the card, and then she handed it to me. I accepted it from her and used the opportunity to grab hold of her hand. Before she had the chance to jerk it free of my grip, I pressed my lips to her soft knuckles, kissing her hand softly.

  She froze, caught off guard by that. “Uh…”

  I grinned, releasing her hand. “It’s been my pleasure, Ms. Hughes.”

  I walked away then, taking pleasure in the fact that I’d thrown her off like that. I decided that was how I would win her over. All I had to do was keep her on her toes.

  This is going to be fun.

  Chapter Six


  I’d pulled out all the stops and used the limo to ambush Trent outside of S&W Publishing, their main Seattle office towering into the sky like some iron-and-glass monstrosity. They were new, they were modern, and they were greedy.

  It pissed me the fuck off.

  Impatiently, I waited in the back of the limo, tapping my shoes on the floor of the car, and peeked out the tinted windows every five goddamned seconds as I waited for that asshole.

  I checked my wristwatch for the second time in two minutes and glanced at my phone again to see if he’d called or sent another message. Of course he hadn’t. The last one still said he was leaving a meeting and would meet me downstairs in a minute.

  “Goddamnit, you asshole,” I muttered angrily to myself.

  Finally, when I glanced up again, I saw him strolling out of S&W like he didn’t have a care in the world.

  Well, I’m about to give him a fucking care, I thought angrily.

  I popped open the door and called to him, “Get in already.” Then I scooted over across the seat to make room. After a moment, Trent slid in next to me. He was dressed in one of his nicer suits, complete with the purple tie he used to impress, and the whole thing pissed me off even more.

  “Aren’t you all dolled up,” I grouched.

  He grinned at me. “You like it? I’ll start wearing it more often for you, sweetheart.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him, then cut through the bullshit. “What the fuck are you doing at S&W Publishing?”

  His grin slid off his face like melted butter. He leaned ba
ck in the seat, putting his left arm along the back of the seat. Then he shrugged. “I told you, I was in a meeting. Which you rudely interrupted.”

  “Should’ve turned off your phone, then,” I snapped angrily at him. “What the fuck?”

  “What is your problem?”

  “My problem is that you just went to another publishing house to discuss publishing your new book with them!” I couldn’t help how angry I was, even if I wanted to. Because it wasn’t just that he’d gone somewhere else to publish—he’d been doing that from the beginning, and we both agreed that it wasn’t a big deal. He wanted to break out on his own. I didn’t want to have to mix business with pleasure, or displeasure depending on how the friendship was swinging that week.

  Trent looked over at me, his features serious. He was cool as a cucumber, which told me that he wasn’t kidding around. “Our relationship is purely platonic—and there’s no damn business involved. It’s always been that way, and that’s why it’s worked out.”

  He paused for a long moment, possibly waiting for me to get mad enough for my fucking head to explode. Then he grinned, just a little, and said, “Besides, it’s important to keep my options open.”

  That cheeky, fucking bastard, I thought.

  Gritting my teeth, I tried hard to keep calm as I shot back, “Fine. Options, great, what the fuck ever. But did it have to be with S&W Publishing? The only company out there that’s owned by my ex-college piece-of-shit roommate? Seriously?”

  Trent grimaced at that, for the first time since sliding into the limo with me looking slightly apologetic. “Yeah, sorry about that. But I got this call—”

  I interrupted him. “I don’t care about any fucking call! Jesus, Trent! You could have gone anywhere. I’ll give you a list of ten different publishing houses right now that would treat you right. But you cannot choose S&W Publishing over Tarvish. Do you know what that’ll do to my reputation? ‘Best friend of Tarvish owner goes to rival company, S&W. Is Tarvish tanking?’”

  Trent rolled his eyes at me. “You’re so dramatic. Tarvish is not going to tank just because I didn’t sign with you.”

  “No. It’ll tank because I can’t even make a good enough deal to get my best friend to sign with me.”

  I let those words sink in, desperately wanting him to understand that I didn’t care if he didn’t sign with me—so long as he didn’t sign with them.

  Finally, Trent sighed. “Look, you know the deal,” he began, turning in his seat slightly to better face me. “This is a friendship, not a business relationship. What I’m working on with S&W is business.” He paused there, making a face like maybe he wasn’t sure that was a hundred percent true, and suddenly I was wondering if there was something else going on that he wasn’t telling me. But he continued before I could press it. “These are two different things. You want this to be business? You’d better do it right.”

  I stared at him like he’d just grown a second head. I wanted to tell him he was such an ass for making this into a formal thing, especially when I didn’t even give a damn about fucking signing him! I just didn’t want him to sign with S&W.

  But he’d made himself pretty damn clear on the whole thing. If I wanted to get Trent away from S&W, then I was going to have to pitch him a deal—and it had better be a doozy.

  Groaning, I slumped back in my seat. “Fine, you asshole.”

  He grinned at me, enjoying his small victory.

  “We’ll do brunch. Next Thursday.”

  “Perfect,” he agreed and I had the limo drive him home. I spent the entire time wanting to smack that canary-eating grin right off his smug face.


  Chapter Seven


  A week after my initial meeting with Trent Parker, I found myself sitting in my office trying to balance a pencil on my nose. I was supposed to be in a meeting with the aforementioned Mr. Parker, but instead all I was doing was leaving graphite stains on my nose.

  He was almost an hour late, and with a sigh, I had to finally accept that I’d been stood up.

  Funny, getting stood up doesn’t feel any better in a business scenario than it does in a relationship one.

  After one last failed attempt at balancing my pencil on my nose, I tossed it aside and stood. Maybe I’d gotten the time or the date wrong. Maybe there had been a message for me about him being late or canceling or rescheduling. Maybe there was one goddamned mothereffing reason for why he was not here right this damn second.

  Shoving the door open, I found Courtney at her desk. She was typing away rapidly at her keyboard, not even so much as glancing up at me. That was how she was. Focused, hard-working, she often ignored you if she deemed you unworthy of her attention in that exact moment.

  “What. The. Ever-loving. Hell?” I demanded, coming to stand right in front of her desk, my hands on my full hips.

  “What the hell what?” she repeated back to me, still not glancing up from her keyboard. She was one hell of a typist.

  “Where is he? I mean, he made a damn appointment, right?”

  Some part of me knew that I was being a royal bitch to Courtney and she likely didn’t deserve it, but I couldn’t help it. This was the biggest deal of my life and if I didn’t make it stick, then I could wave that pretty little promotion goodbye. And when you waved one promotion goodbye, it was like a death sentence. Suddenly, people like Gary down the hall were getting your new clients. And Gary was being told what a go-getter he was. And Gary was getting that fucking beautiful corner office that had my goddamned mothereffing name on it!

  So, yes, I was being a little bitchy.

  Finally, Courtney paused in her writing and shifted to look at me. She frowned a little, considering me for a moment. Finally, she held up a single finger and said, “First, stop being a dick to me. I haven’t done anything wrong.” Putting up a second finger, she added, “Second, I don’t know what the hell is going on. Mr. Parker stopped at my desk after your meeting, and we set up an appointment. I told him ten on Thursday—the following week, meaning the meeting was set for today. I even wrote him a stupid little reminder card just in case he was too much of a prick to remember important dates on his own.” She held up a third finger. “Finally, he’s fucking sexy—did you see that man? But he’s a cocky prick, and I didn’t succumb to his charm.”

  My shoulders slumped at this information—well, the part about him stopping by to make the appointment, not the him being sexy bit. I hadn’t realized how much I was hoping that we’d just messed something clerical up until she’d confirmed that we hadn’t.

  Which I knew. Courtney doesn’t make mistakes.

  “Damn it,” I muttered. “Sorry, Court. I’d really been hoping—”

  “That you could throw me under the bus?” she said, leaning back in her chair. Today she was wearing burgundy, which went well with her blonde hair, the contrast making her lips and eyes pop. Her heels were taller than mine, I knew, and she still only came up to my shoulders when we were standing side by side, but she pulled the whole thing off well.

  Sighing, I shrugged a little and offered an apologetic smile. “I’m a dick.”

  She waited a beat, then said, “Yeah, you are. But I know how much you want this contract.”

  I sat on the edge of her desk as I groaned. “No shit. This would be it for me, you know? A corner office. Partner. I mean, that is the fucking dream, right?”

  Courtney nodded. “Yeah, it is. For you, anyway.”

  “I really am sorry. I should’ve known you didn’t fuck up. You never do.”

  “No, I really don’t,” she confirmed, patting her curls. Today her hair was mostly up, rolled along the bottom so that it sat in a single thick curl at the base of her neck. “What are we gonna do about our no-show?”

  Sighing, I considered my options. I could just give up and let him swim away to somewhere else, which would mean losing my partnership and everything I’d worked for. Option number two was to beg him to come back by giving him everything he
wanted, which wasn’t a great way to do business and would probably get me into a lot of trouble. Or option number three…

  Slowly, a smile slipped across my lips.

  “Uh-oh,” Courtney said upon seeing it. “Dare I ask what you’ve just come up with?”

  “Nothing against the rules,” I informed her. “Yet.”

  She snorted indelicately. “Yet. All right, I’ll bite. What’s the plan, boss?”

  “I want you to call that agent of his—Malcom or whatever his name was—and get the lowdown on his schedule. I want to know first who he ditched me for, then I want to know the deets on why he left his last publisher.”

  Courtney raised her eyebrows at me. “I’m not sure how forthcoming he’ll be with that information.”

  I waved off her concern. “Work your magic. You’ve already got the guy wrapped around your pinky finger or Parker never would have showed up for the first meeting. I want information and I think this Malcom guy is going to be the place to get it from.”

  Courtney shrugged but agreed. “Okay. I make no promises, but I’ll get ahold of him and see what I can do.”

  “Thanks, Court. You’re the best.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Just remember that the next time you go all Bitchinator on me—and when bonuses roll around.”

  I laughed at her. “Honey, please. When have you ever not gotten a bonus from me?”

  “True. Just make sure that it keeps coming.”

  She winked at me then, letting me know that if I got fired that day and she was suddenly stuck with a new boss, she wouldn’t hold it against me. Hell, she’d probably follow me into the unknown. Courtney was loyal like that.

  Reaching for her phone, she quickly dialed a number. It rang for a while, and I waited quietly as someone eventually picked up.

  “Hello, Mr. Resner, this is Courtney Hughes from S&W Publishing.” She paused, then I thought I saw her blush slightly. “Malcom, sorry.”

  I raised my eyebrows at her. First-name basis? I mouthed, but she ignored me.

  “I was actually calling because Mr. Parker had an appointment set up in my office here for today—an hour ago.”